Privacy Declaration

Article 1. Company details

The Rayak company was established in 5552EZ Valkenswaard at the Klaproosstraat 31, represented by Mr. Keivan Neekpey.

Rayak has 1 main domain for equine market:

Article 2. Personal data

Rayak processes your personal data of you because you use our services and/or because you provide this information to us. Below is an overview of the personal data that we process:

  1. First and last name;
  2. Sex;
  3. Address data;
  4. Phone number;
  5. Your horse’s data;

Article 3. Processing targets / legal basis

The personal data mentioned above are processed for the following purposes:

  1. Delivery of products;
  2. Sending a newsletter and/or advertising;
  3. Executing and drawing up a purchase agreement;
  4. Show advertisements to clients

Rayak processes personal data in accordance with the following basis;

• Supplier agreement;
• Newsletters and information about our services;
• Maintain contact regarding services, products, and the associated service;

Article 4. Storage period

Rayak shall not store the collected personal data for longer than is strictly necessary, or legally regulated, to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected. For this we use the following storage periods per purpose:
• Legal basis: two years;
• Sending the newsletter and/or offers: two years;
• Telephone contact: two years;
• Inform about changes to services: two years.

For the personal data for which legal retention periods apply, Rayak adheres to the statutory retention periods.

Article 5. Sharing with third parties

Rayak provides your information to third parties and will only provide this information if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement or to comply with a legal obligation. If we provide your data to third parties for other reasons, we are obliged to ask you for permission first. For as far as relevant, a processor’s agreement is concluded with these third parties, or it is verified whether this party deals with the processing of the personal data in the correct manner.

Article 6. Security

Rayak takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, and other unwanted actions with personal data. These measures are in accordance with the applicable security standards.

Article 7. Rights of data subjects

You have the right to view, correct, supplement, delete, and/or object to your personal data. Make an appointment for this at Rayak. The filing of a complaint is possible with the regulator, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You also always have the option to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data. For this, you also need to request Rayak. It is important that you can identify yourself and show that the data you want to view, correct, or remove is actually yours. It is not allowed to view data from other people.

Article 8. Cookies

Rayak uses functional AND / OR technical cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet, or smartphone when you first visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for managing our online marketing activities and remembering user-specific settings such as a password.
We offer cookies to recognize you with a new visit to our website. You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it does not store cookies anymore. In addition, you can also delete all information previously saved via the settings of the browser.

Article 9. Newsletter and offers

You can sign up for our various newsletters. This way you stay informed of our offers, promotions, and our news. We have general and personal newsletters. We compile personal newsletters based on your data, such as previous orders. That makes the newsletter more interesting for you. If you do not want to receive newsletters from us, we would like to hear from you and you will be removed from the mailing list.

Article 10. Changes

Rayak may change this privacy statement from time to time. Changes will be published in writing or electronically. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement regularly so that you are aware of these changes.
